Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When Times Get Tough, Iron Your T-Shirt!

(courtesy of and

From staff writer, Brian Charles, comes this news-worthy item:

29 year-old Santa Clarita, California resident Kelly Kinney has been out of work since October 1, 2008, but she's not laying-low, blaming tough economic times, or feeling sorry for herself. What Kinney -- an ex marketing manager -- has done is begin ironing her resume onto t-shirts and wearing them around the streets of Los Angeles with the hope of finding employment.

Forget her degree! Here's a woman who has guts and is a true inspiration! While all around our country so many banking CEOs, car manufacturers, and Wall Street brokers are apparently willing to whine and otherwise get busy "beggin' for bailouts," Kinney has taken to the street with a pragmatic, unique, and entrepreneurial style all her own.

Kinney, pictured above, actually holds two bachelor degrees -- one in economics, and one in marketing -- and, it seems to me, she's putting her mind, her creativity, and her education to good work. Or, rather, she's HOPING to put herself to work through her creative ingenuity.

She admits, however, that she has so far been frustrated in her job search, but she refuses to go quietly into that bleak, economic night. You won't see her standing around waiting for a bailout, she's not waiting on welfare, and she's not expecting the t-shirt ploy to land her at a Fortune 500 company. Of her job search, Kinney simply said, "I just want to work. I don't care about the money."

TMH wishes Kelly Kinney all the best, and we hope that things -- for her, and for the rest of the country -- begin to turn around soon; before more of us (with the definite exception of the CEOs and the bail-out benificiaries) have to break out the "surf boards" and "wax-on, wax-off" a few of our own iron-on resumes!

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