Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bush Torture Policy "Beats" Two-of-a-Kind

So, you're among the group of people who feel like Michael Hirsh, and you actually thought it was kinda funny that an Iraqi journalist had the nerve to stand up at a press conference and fire his loafers at "Dubya?" Maybe you loved it so much that you even had the desire to offer your daughter up to the guy!? Perhaps you're "up-in-arms" about the shoe-chucker's recent treatment!? Ah...well, if that's the case, then just think of the possibility of having Jeb in office come 2012!

Or, were you one of the people who scoffed, wrinkled their nose, and riduculed the Muslim "Shoe-ite" by saying, "I don't care what George W. Bush has done during his time in office, he's still the president of the United States, and he should be respected!"

Well, whichever group you're in, TMH wants you to know that George W. Bush's Torture policy beats (and beats them badly, with Dick Cheney watching even!) your two shoes, and raises you an entire batch of Constitutional infringements, and promises you several more in the last 30 days of his administration!

You can read the Constitution In Crisis update from or check out congressman John Conyer's book George W. Bush Versus the U.S. Constitution: The Downing Street Memos and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, Coverups in the Iraq War and Illegal Spying.

Oh, and you want to know TMH's official position on the whole matter? Well, TMH knows that you can NEVER have enough pitching, and so our suggestion is to send "The Iraqi Hurler" up to San Francisco, where The Giants can trade him for some much-needed hitting. Who would trade for a right-handed shoe-thrower you ask?

Well, at the risk of sounding like Sarah Palin..."You Betcha!"...


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