Thursday, January 29, 2009

Limbaugh's Conservative Idiocy Brings Republican Chickens Home to Roost

Anyone following the first two weeks of the Obama administration's struggle with the stimulus package will certainly be aware of the insulting, idiotic way in which Rush Limbaugh has tried to insinuate himself back into the public spotlight.

He's also hypocritically undermined and done a philosophical 180 with regard to the "Bill of Goods" that conservative Republicans sold so many Americans in the aftermath of 9/11. Namely, that we owe a patriotic debt to our president and to the country by rallying around Bush (and his party) during our country's time of need.

Instead of remaining true to his word--a word which is only reserved for Republican presidents like Bush--and being truly patriotic, Limbaugh has turned even more partisan, displayed his cowardice, and admitted to the fact that he does not support our president, our country, or anyone other than himself for that matter, by saying that he "hopes Barack Obama fails." Today, Limbaugh inched away from his un-American original statement and said that he simply meant that he "wants Liberals to fail." Which is funny, since it was Limbaugh's party which continually attempted to paint Obama as a "Liberal" and a "Socialist" during the presidential campaign, and that Obama has taken a largely centrist role thus far in his administration.

Regardless, of the insanity that IS Rush Limbaugh. Check out how incredibly accurate prognosticator Matt Taibbi was way back in late December 2006 when he discussed the severe problems of the American media as they relate to what the hate-filled rhetoric, propaganda, and outright lies of Limbaugh (and his contemporaries at Fox News) have sown for our country, and for the political discourse and climate.

The Low Post: Keep On Hatin'.

At this time in American history, the Republican party is more clueless than ever, and just as guilty of being "spineless and gutless" as they accuse Democrats of being. It's a a case of people in glass houses throwing stones, and it reminds TMH that the conservative ideological "egg" which president Ronald Reagan layed back in the 1980s when he stated "government is not the answer to problem, government IS THE PROBLEM!" has hatched, grown up and not only come home to roost, but to evict the rest of the family from the nest!

The Smirking Chimp has been on such a role lately, that it's actually located Dennis Miller, who TMH thought was dead, or who--at least--we hoped had had enough of a political and philosophical beating throughout the Bush years that he would renounce his "more-intelligent-than-thou" arrogance, see the liberal light, and apologetically return to the fold! However, the once liberal leftist turned neo-con, the once famous funny man, has apparently turned hypocritically hilarious once-and-for-all! Check it out:

Thank You, Dennis Miller!.

Even after the divisive and failed conservative policies of arguably THE WORST American president in history, even after the beating Republicans took in the 2006 congressional elections, and even after the miserable campaign that John McCain and Sarah Palin ran against Obama/Biden, Republicans would rather bow-down to a hypocritical blow-hard like Limbaugh than rise up, learn from their numerous mistakes and the error of their ways, re-build a failed political party (and its philosophy) to be more inclusive, more transparent, more sincere, and start working in a new and positive direction.

Taibbi had it exactly right in 2006, and until the Republican party turns its back on greedy, hate-mongering, lying rhetoricians like Rush Limbaugh and flailing intellectual sell-outs like Dennis Miller, they will continue to have it ALL wrong!

Let's bide our time and wait and see what develops now that an African-American, Michael Steele, was elected chairman of the Republican National Committee on Friday, January 30, 2009. We'll see if the Republican party is really ready for the idea that Steele set-forth in his acceptance speech when he said, "It's time for something completely different!" We'll see if the conservative, evangelical, ideological philosophies which have been so resistant to progressive change, and the best interest of the country, and which have failed so devastatingly will continue, or evolve.

Michael Steele will have to embrace one of the following Republican philosophies, and TMH invites you to find which of the two Republicans in this November 11, 2008 clip is the more progressive centrist willing to promote change, and which is simply towing the OLD party line:

Message to the Republican party: it's time to drag yourselves from the political "swamp," evolve and try to catch up to the rest of mankind, or go the way of closed-minded conservative dinosaurs like Limbaugh and myopic partisan political pundits like Ron Christie.