Monday, February 23, 2009

Rick "Rantelli" & Republican Irresponsibility

People have been inquiring as to TMH's opinion on Rick Santelli's recent Wall Street rant. "Rantelli" was on the floor of the stock exchange, waxing intelligent, and Republican -- read simplistic, generalized "solutions" to incredibly complex problems -- with regard to the state of the economy, the current housing and fore-closure problems, and the Obama administration's response. For those of you who have not seen it, here's the rant:

As for TMH's thoughts? We have to concur with statements that present Rick Santelli as an ill-informed idiot, and Republican turned lacky and political pundit. One of the many key components his "rant" (aka his gross generalization) failed to mention is the fact that the capitalist system in this country took advantage of great economic times (the dot com era under President Clinton, for example), "trained" itself to over-borrow, overspend and live beyond its means (as a way of attempting to reach the increasingly elusive American Dream) and -- like so often happens when times are good -- people wanted to believe that it would never end. Now we're paying the price for those lifestyle choices, that philosophy and the economic pipe-dream under which we have lived for so long.

Santelli didn't mention anything in terms of the global economy, how fragile the world economic system is at this time, or how reliant (and vulnerable) we all are upon each others' business, trade, and economic ups and downs. Simple solutions to complex problems will not work here, but that has been the modus operandi of the Republican party for many, many years. There is no nuance, there is no understanding of complexity. . .there is only partisan politics and simplistic platitudes presented as solutions.

For Santelli to even try to present something like an objective analysis of the state of our economy in a two minute rant from Wall Street is ridiculous. He maintains he was simply trying to get the administration's attention. He later admitted to Chris Matthews that he's a Republican and that he voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin. TMH suspects that he adheres to the Republican Party's (or what's left of it) apparent desire to move towards further isolationism and division along social, political, ideological, racial and economic lines. The current Republican political philosophy is to simply say "NO!" and to argue against any kind of government leadership. Meanwhile, as "our" elected politicians, they continue to draw a steady, hefty paycheck. Republicans seem to be sticking to their scorched-earth policy and to their desire to see the government run down completely, rather than attempting to present a system of leadership, guidance and effective political policy. Republicans have no new ideas, and they have no leadership capabilities.

The "corporate welfare," de-regulaltion, anti-union "system of government" continued under George W. Bush was meant to encourage a "trickle-down" economic ideology which has been such a mainstay of Republican thinking over the last several decades. It doesn't work; the money did not and will not "trickle down." Republicans rail against socialism, but provide a similar benefit to their big-business cronies, special interests, and pet-projects like Enron, Haliburton and Black Water (to name a few). Under Bush, the CEOs, big-business and oil companies got the mine...while the average American got the shaft.

TMH sincerely believes that Republicans see a democratic (and Democratic) system of government as a type of union and they want to break it just as much as they have always wanted to break the unions (going back to Reagan and the air traffic controllers). This helps explain House minority whip Eric Cantor's recent hypocritical and profane anti-union video, which is for the non-sensitive viewer only and not for the feint of heart.

Thankfully, Cantor was busted -- or, rather, his spokesman, Brad Dayspring was busted -- and the house whip was called vicariously to the carpet for his obvious support of vulgarity and hypocrisy, however -- as is typical of the current Republican political "leaders" in this country -- the "little whip" took the opportunity to do a bit of creative revisionism, rather than apologize sincerely. Take a look at the video and the accompanying critical article from

Anti-Obscenity Crusader Eric Cantor Sends Out Profanity-Laced Attack On Union

TMH has to wonder how Republican, neoconservative, fundamental, bible-beaters reconcile such disgusting behavior on the part of their elected officials what with their belief in "family values," the Moral Majority, and God? We have to wonder what happened to the "compassionate conservatives" and why Republicans would raise such a moralistic stink over the Janet Jackson Superbowl "mishap" a few years ago, only to turn around to support and condone Eric Cantor's disgusting behavior.

As for the direction of the Republican party of the future? Your guess is as good as ours. Who knows where or in what direction the hypocritical winds will blow this party of foul-mouthed liars and propagandists, But if the past eight years is any indication, then the Republican idiocy will only continue. As you know, George W. Bush's political ineptitude didn't stop at trickle down economics. It included the Republican belief (gleaned from Reagan's political philosophy) that ". . .government IS THE PROBLEM!" Republicans would rather run-down and destroy the government in its current incarnation than provide true political leadership. In that sense, they share more in common with their AFSCME depiction than does the actual AFSCME union itself! Talk about a SCAM!: Imagine having voted for a Republican politican with the sincere belief that he/she would help run our government efficiently, only to have that politican turn around and help run the government into the ground through irresponsible political behavior, corruption, propaganda and intentional, anti-blue-collar, anti-American mis-management.

I've been a registered Independent voter for 12 years now (which presently makes me a Democrat) because, as an Independent voter, I wouldn't touch the Republican party with a ten-foot pole. There is simply no way to reconcile their political "positions" with good governance, responsibility, or the best interests of the country and its people. Their behavior is obsessive-compulsive at best, and bi-polar, schizophrenic at worst! Their leaders are incompetent, irresponsible, and -- more often than not -- as politicians uneductaed on specific issues, and uneducated as human beings in general!

TMH believes that any Republican (or Independent) who would vote for Sarah Palin for president is the same idiot who voted for George W. Bush. The party is unbelievably incompetent, corrupt, disorganized, and horribly misguided. They are hypocritics, social Darwinists, and war-mongers who are pro big-business (even while big-business continues to outsource in order "to compete"), ideologues, and -- largely Southern, bible-belt -- nut bags. Then again, idiocy isn't just a partisan party affiliation anymore, it runs in the family! With clarity of answer in mind, see if you can recognize with any degree of accuracy precisely how far the political apple has fallen from the tree!

Here's Sarah six-pack:

And here's her teenage daughter, Bristol:

Clarity (or lack thereof) notwithstanding, TMH gives the age-versus-overall-intelligence nod to daughter Bristol! In terms of substance and sincerity you can actually see Bristol attempting to think and trying to form an intelligent response, whereas the "hockey mom's" answer is pure caught-in-the-headlights political posturing. It must be nice to be a seventeen year old teenage mother -- having not quite finished high school -- and still be smarter than the governor of Alaska! Republicans should petition to lower the age of presidential eligibility, so that they can vote for Bristol in 2012! After all, with Bush Republicans felt that they had a president they could "have a beer with," so why not take that level of leadership to its logical conclusion and vote for a president with whom they can attend college! Think of all the Bush-like fraternity and sorority parties Bristol could take them to!

Then there was the conservative New York Post's inflammatory political cartoon which depicted the president as an escaped chimpanzee and sanctioned, condoned and pretty much advertised for his (and the stimulus bills') assassination. Combine all of these political antics and you've got a Republican party chock-full of bonafide, classy, moral, and family-value loving winners!

Let's hope Rupert Murdoch will do the right thing (not that we have much faith in that) and fire New York Post editor Col Allan, continue to distance himself from the right-wing, radical, slash-and-burn politics which have been so financially lucrative for him in the past (his new wife is reportedly politically progressive and much more liberal) and begin dumping his Fox News interests in favor of retirement. The country would be better off without Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and the propaganda which pretends to be "Fair-and-Balanced." Besides, we'd still have Rush Limbaugh and all of conservative talk radio to turn to whenever we wanted to get our fill of Republican stupidity! Apart from that, we can always vacation in the South, the bible-belt, or take a road trip to TEXAS!

And, as long as we're looking toward the Republican idiocy bastion that IS the state of Texas, why don't we ponder the wonderful comparisons between Republicanism circa 2009 and the workings of Texas businessman Sir Allen Stanford!

On the one hand, Republicans under Texas oilman George W. Bush run our country into the ground, violate our constitutional laws, and take us to war, all while repeatedly displaying profound and widespread corruption; on the other hand Republican millionaire Stanford almost singlehandedly bankrupts the entire country of Antigua!

On the one hand Republican pundit Rush Limbaugh supports white Republican George W. Bush and helps get him elected, declaring anyone who did not support the president and all of his policies after the attacks of 9/11 "un-American;" on the other hand, Rush Limbaugh turns attack-dog within two weeks of our first African-American president's administration, plays "Barack the Magic Negro" parodies on his radio show (which remind us of the Republican's idea of humor and no doubt inspired Rick Cantor's anti-union video) and then declares vociferously that he wants president Obama to fail!

On the one hand, Sean Hannity, a conservative, Republican, Fox News "reporter" harangues the Republican base on a nightly basis about the evils of Democrats, socialism, and how we're all doomed under a Democratic administration and system of big-government; on the other hand, Sean Hannity pimps gold for -- and receives advertising money for his conservative talk radio show from -- corrupt businessman and Texas millionaire, Sir Allen Stanford! On the whole, I think Olbermann's "Countdown" pretty much had it spot-on when it picked the worst persons in the world last week. Check it out:

Then again, Keith Olbermann missed out on the biggest Republican idiot of them all (not that he'll have to wait long for plenty of other opportunities). Here, by far, is The Worst of the worst persons in the world:

After witnessing that disgusting display of Republican "politics" it's obvious why some animals in the wild choose to eat their young! Need another example? How about the way in which Jeb Bush's son, George P. Bush, attacked Republican Florida governor Charlie Cristtoday for his support of the president and the Democrats.

You might not remember George P. since he's the new Bush on the block, but certainly you remember Jeb! He's supposed to be "the smart one" but has shown his ability to let ideology (and stupidity) reign supreme on more than one occasion. Remember. . .Republicans favor LESS government! Well, that ideology didn't stop Brother Jeb from expanding his gubernatorial powers in Florida to screw up the Terry Shiavo case. Nothing like "small" government overriding the wishes of a widower and doing its best to control when you can, or cannot die! Republican hypocrisy knows no boundaries. . .but let's hope the Southern Republicans STAY in the South!

What's truly sad, however, is that the Republicans don't seem to be getting the message. They're no longer acting responsibly or in the best interest of the country. They have, en masse, seemingly picked up where Alan Keyes left off, and they continue to repeat the same idiotic banter over and over andf over again, even despite the president's popularity and the desire for the american people to believe that a turn around is possible. But let's face it, a turn around would not be in the best interests of the Republican party. Limbaugh said it, and now the rest of the Republican party has fallen into line and is working hard to ensure that we all fail! They have nothing left to lose, and would rather see us all go down, then to go down themselves!

At the fear of beating a dead horse, TMH noticed the most recent idiocy expounded by the Republican party today through Alabama senator Richard Shelby (who was once a Democrat but jumped the shark and switched parties because he thought there was no future in being a Southern Democrat!. . . now he's beginning to realize there's no future in being a Republican). Yet just like Keyes he continues to look into the camera and intentionally lie to the American people. He continues to spew hatred and party propaganda and to question President Obama's birth certificate, country of birth, status as an American, and legitimacy.

Add to Shelby's idiocy, the dispicable comments of Republican senator Jim Bunning (from Kentucky) who stated today that he expects Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who has recently returned to work as is fighting for her life against pancreatic cancer) to be dead within the next nine months! Just the sort of class we have come to expect from the Republican party!

And so, with that in mind, TMH is seriously waiting for the Southern states currently under Republican control to announce that they plan to succeed (once again) from the union, and then the Obama comparisons to Abraham Lincoln will have become much more literal rather than just political jargon.

Until someone who is responsible, inclusive and who has actual leadership ideas -- someone who is willing to understand, acknowledge and embrace the fact that there is a definitive leadership role for government in our country (and in the world) -- takes control of the Republican party, they will continue to be miserable excuses for leaders, civil servants and human beings (right now they are none of the above). Until someone moral and ethical actually takes the reigns of the Republican Party, we're pretty much looking at a one party system and a bunch of isolation-minded, idiotic obstructionists. I think Obama has been very good at working toward the center, but the Republicans are not willing to bend. RNC Chairman Michael Steele (and his new "hip-hop" agenda) is not going to lead the party in the right direction, and neither is a return to the politics of Newt Gingrich or Bill Kristol.

Ultimately, TMH thinks "Dilbert" creator and cartoonist Scott Adams has it right when he asks, "When Did Ignorance Become a Point of View?"

What's more, TMH finds it ironic that the Republican party is currently going the way of the American economy -- namely, it's gotten much worse and looks like it's going to continue that trend before it gets any better -- which would be a case of the both the economy AND the Republican party reaping what it has sown.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Limbaugh's Conservative Idiocy Brings Republican Chickens Home to Roost

Anyone following the first two weeks of the Obama administration's struggle with the stimulus package will certainly be aware of the insulting, idiotic way in which Rush Limbaugh has tried to insinuate himself back into the public spotlight.

He's also hypocritically undermined and done a philosophical 180 with regard to the "Bill of Goods" that conservative Republicans sold so many Americans in the aftermath of 9/11. Namely, that we owe a patriotic debt to our president and to the country by rallying around Bush (and his party) during our country's time of need.

Instead of remaining true to his word--a word which is only reserved for Republican presidents like Bush--and being truly patriotic, Limbaugh has turned even more partisan, displayed his cowardice, and admitted to the fact that he does not support our president, our country, or anyone other than himself for that matter, by saying that he "hopes Barack Obama fails." Today, Limbaugh inched away from his un-American original statement and said that he simply meant that he "wants Liberals to fail." Which is funny, since it was Limbaugh's party which continually attempted to paint Obama as a "Liberal" and a "Socialist" during the presidential campaign, and that Obama has taken a largely centrist role thus far in his administration.

Regardless, of the insanity that IS Rush Limbaugh. Check out how incredibly accurate prognosticator Matt Taibbi was way back in late December 2006 when he discussed the severe problems of the American media as they relate to what the hate-filled rhetoric, propaganda, and outright lies of Limbaugh (and his contemporaries at Fox News) have sown for our country, and for the political discourse and climate.

The Low Post: Keep On Hatin'.

At this time in American history, the Republican party is more clueless than ever, and just as guilty of being "spineless and gutless" as they accuse Democrats of being. It's a a case of people in glass houses throwing stones, and it reminds TMH that the conservative ideological "egg" which president Ronald Reagan layed back in the 1980s when he stated "government is not the answer to problem, government IS THE PROBLEM!" has hatched, grown up and not only come home to roost, but to evict the rest of the family from the nest!

The Smirking Chimp has been on such a role lately, that it's actually located Dennis Miller, who TMH thought was dead, or who--at least--we hoped had had enough of a political and philosophical beating throughout the Bush years that he would renounce his "more-intelligent-than-thou" arrogance, see the liberal light, and apologetically return to the fold! However, the once liberal leftist turned neo-con, the once famous funny man, has apparently turned hypocritically hilarious once-and-for-all! Check it out:

Thank You, Dennis Miller!.

Even after the divisive and failed conservative policies of arguably THE WORST American president in history, even after the beating Republicans took in the 2006 congressional elections, and even after the miserable campaign that John McCain and Sarah Palin ran against Obama/Biden, Republicans would rather bow-down to a hypocritical blow-hard like Limbaugh than rise up, learn from their numerous mistakes and the error of their ways, re-build a failed political party (and its philosophy) to be more inclusive, more transparent, more sincere, and start working in a new and positive direction.

Taibbi had it exactly right in 2006, and until the Republican party turns its back on greedy, hate-mongering, lying rhetoricians like Rush Limbaugh and flailing intellectual sell-outs like Dennis Miller, they will continue to have it ALL wrong!

Let's bide our time and wait and see what develops now that an African-American, Michael Steele, was elected chairman of the Republican National Committee on Friday, January 30, 2009. We'll see if the Republican party is really ready for the idea that Steele set-forth in his acceptance speech when he said, "It's time for something completely different!" We'll see if the conservative, evangelical, ideological philosophies which have been so resistant to progressive change, and the best interest of the country, and which have failed so devastatingly will continue, or evolve.

Michael Steele will have to embrace one of the following Republican philosophies, and TMH invites you to find which of the two Republicans in this November 11, 2008 clip is the more progressive centrist willing to promote change, and which is simply towing the OLD party line:

Message to the Republican party: it's time to drag yourselves from the political "swamp," evolve and try to catch up to the rest of mankind, or go the way of closed-minded conservative dinosaurs like Limbaugh and myopic partisan political pundits like Ron Christie.